We celebrated John's birthday a while back, but his present from Wip was a Bats baseball game. My former boss once told me that he was going to start giving his kids "experiences" instead of stuff and it stuck with me...so I thought this would be a good experiment and good experience gift. I knew it was going to be a good time when I asked the boys what they wanted to listen to on the way to the ballpark, Wip requested "Kick Drum Heart" by the Avett Brothers and John requested "Band on the Run" by Paul McCartney. To say that it was a Sunday Funday at the ballpark would be putting it mildly. We started at the bounce section with inflatable slides, obstacle courses, and bounce house. After getting our sillies out we got some popcorn and actually enjoyed some of the game (maybe 1 inning, but it was a start). Then off to the carousel so Wip could get his animal fix. After going round and round the boys wanted to hit the playground...and they hit it hard. The giggles and chasing that went on with these boys was just adorable. It was then Dippin' Dots time and another chance to watch some of the actual game (again, only 1 inning, but it was better than nothing!). It was then that I promised the boys they could run the bases at the end of the game...knowing now that would take what felt like an eternity, I would have never made that promise. We got our spot in line pretty early...about 45 minutes into the wait, the line grew to be a what seemed like a mile long. John told me he had to go potty and Wip fell and skinned his knee (we were melting). I made John hold it and told Wip to suck it up. We were not missing the darn base run. I am so glad that we did...John said it was his favorite part. I hope that it was a fun memory that he will keep with him for a long time.
P.S. I hope you enjoy the new blog design! Happy Mother's Day to me:)
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