Some of my favorite blogs and many of the recent Facebook updates have talked about "a year without resolutions". Blah, blah, blah. Oh come on! I love resolutions! I love making them and breaking them. Maybe it is my obsession with making lists or maybe I just enjoy looking back and seeing what worked and what did not work with my resolutions.
So here goes, my resolutions for 2013:
1. Lose those last 10 pounds. I know, I know this is by far the most common resolution. But this is the year. I am running in the Derby Mini, I have the ability to go to the gym almost every day (thanks babe!), and I have a huge amount of resources and support that can help me.
2. Watch more old movies. Patrick and I watched Charade the other night with Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant. I love the simplicity and dialogue in these movies. I plan to put them on top of the Netflix queue.
3. Stop working (or bloging!) when I watch the old movies. I find myself on my computer a lot. I am going to resolve to become more efficient with my time online. It is not the end of the world if I miss the blabla kids sale. I think my boys will survive.
4. Take better care of my skin. Use hand creme (thanks Mom for my stocking stuffer!), get facials, use sunscreen. Lets just say I am not getting any younger!
5. Learn French. This makes me laugh because it has been on the list for years. We shall see.
No matter what, I know that 2013 is going to be resolution could make me any happier than having these guys in my life. They are what really matter.
Intentions for the Week
5 hours ago
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