Sometimes Wip and Duncan give me butterflies. The feeling when your heart just decides to skip a beat.
This past week I have had a few butterfly moments...
Wip requesting his favorite song "Mommy, I want to hear the HEY! song", thank goodness that the song is called "Ho Hey" by the Lumineers so it was easy to look up. Riding in the car belting this song with your home body of a son would give anyone butterflies:)
Duncan going nuts over the "The Magic Clap" by The Coup. Seriously. Going. Nuts. Clapping like a mad man. He was having so much fun with this song that Wip said he changed his mind and his favorite song is now the "clap song".
Watching Toy Story 3 with your Toy Story obsessed son as he clutches his Toy Story dolls during a scary part of the movie. Heart explode.
Intentions for the Week
5 hours ago
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