I took the boys with me downtown to pick up my race packet for the miniMarathon. Not thinking much about the journey we headed to the convention center after I picked Wip up from school. He fell asleep on the way there (something he never does) and I had to park about two and a half blocks away (nothing for a New Yorker, right?).
I decided to put Duncan in the stroller and hold Wip as he slept on my shoulder. About ten steps later I was back at the car trying a new plan because Wip was just too heavy. A gentleman yelled "you need a double stroller" (thanks for the tip buddy). I put Wip in the stroller and Baby D strapped in the Ergo. Then Wip woke up. I finally got everyone settled and off we went towards the convention center less than three blocks away.
The two and a half blocks felt like ten miles, but we made it. After checking out a big horse statue that completely made Wip's day (see below), we arrived at the packet pick up. Simple. We were ready to go back to the car only to discover that they make you walk through the "expo" section (where everyone has booths and tries to sell you crap) to get out. Wip wanted to get on my shoulders and Baby D made it to the stroller. We were golden, right? Wrong. This "expo" was the biggest labyrinth I have ever tried to go through. It was ridiculous. Every time I would ask how to get out people would tell me "the end is that big white wall" that looked like it was miles away.
Out of the convention center and on our way back to the car we were stopped at a crosswalk. There was some sort of reuniting going on between a group of men (all smoking cigarettes with the smoke going directly into our faces). One gentleman mentioned how "eight years of prison was enough for him". We did a slight sprint to the car. Once I arrived at the car I realized I was so frazzled that I did not pay the meter, but thankfully this is Louisville and not New York City because I did not have a ticket:) The end.
Intentions for the Week
5 hours ago
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