So, how are you? It has been a while...sorry about that. I gotta tell you, life has been busy. But in the best way possible.
Patrick had this portrait done of the boys for my anniversary gift. CHERISH IT. I will be looking/loving this for years to come. Thank you @christinehebert! You are amazing! Interested? Contact for commission inquiries...worth every penny!
Wip continues to ROCK in school...library is his favorite subject. He is currently going through about 3-5 chapter books a week....he seriously cannot get enough. Somebody pinch me.
Oh, and in addition to a zoo keeper he has decided he also wants to be a DJ #goals
Duncan celebrated 100 days at school....with a half-hearted attempt at a self portrait.
Sometimes we get these notes home and I just scratch my head and wonder who he is in one classroom to the is hard to deny that he is not cute and funny so at least the teachers with a sense of humor will hopefully get him:)
I was super proud of the Valentines that I made for the boys this year...
We spent a Saturday experiencing all of the art experiences that Orlando has to offer (turns out that it is quite a bit)...this is at the art museum in front of a Georgia O'Keefe painting...clearly Wip was more into his book:) We wrapped up the day with ice cream (of course!).
Mr. Mulloy celebrated a birthday and I had his advisee group come in to decorate his office...and they did (they truly love him if they were willing to get up at 6:00am).
Wip wrote a play....
And was given his bible during his Holy Communion lessons
Wip's JFF (Jelly Fudge Friend - 6th Grade Buddy) sent him this postcard when he went to D.C. and it just hit home how lucky Wip is to have such amazing people in his life.
Duncan continues to try and practice kindness....
After getting in trouble at school a few times I got this text one night when Duncan snuck up to the neighbors house to play...I just LOL at her last text...he sure can play up the Eddie Haskell role:)
Wip still loves animals
Wip is also ROCKING it in piano....he loves learning and music is something that he is passionate about.
Duncan's work of art

I am helping out with the girls lacrosse team and I must say...while is so nice to be around the girls.
Finally....Duncan. Thank goodness for Duncan. He has been brushing his hair before school and this is the end result. Ironically it looks just like the hair of his buddy that he has not been making the best decisions with lately....Duncan, please, please never change.
That is all for up Jackson Hole, WY!
Yea!!!! Love to see new Oh Brothers!
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