Before I start this post, I have to be very clear about something. Wip's school puts safety first. When you drive on the campus you see security in every corner, when I walk Wip in from an appointment I have to show my license and put on a badge. They check and recheck and heavily communicate when it comes to the safety of the children at the school. I know that my child is safe at his school.
Almost every day when I pick up Wip from school he tells me that he wishes that he could be in the same carpool as the "Pirates and the Princess". The pirates are Wip's best buddies Jackson and Cade, and the princess is a sweet girl named Avery. They all went to the same preschool and their parents have a carpool system so they are always dropped off and picked up together.
When Wip told me that he wanted to go home with the Pirates and the Princess, I brushed it off. I would say "ok, we will set up a playdate sometime". Apparently, I did not act fast enough so Wip took matters into his own hands.
On Thursday, I was on my way to pick up Wip and was caught in I4 traffic. I almost called the school because I thought I might be late. As I was pulling onto the street of the school I got a call from a mom of one of the pirates. She said, "Please don't freak out, Wip is in my babysitter's car. Apparently the boys convinced the teachers that they were supposed to go home together".
I could not be mad, but I did explain that he was never to get in the car with ANYONE unless we say it is ok and the teacher has a note. Hopefully, it was a teachable moment, but also a moment that I had to chuckle the well-done execution of getting what he wanted.
Intentions for the Week
5 hours ago
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