The Good Husband

Friday, September 26, 2014

I have been reading reviews about The Good Wife on ABC and it is being hailed as some of the best writing on television today. Ah hum...we shall see..cough...nothing beats Friday Night Lights. After listening to a review on Fresh Air it not only made me want to see if I could start season 1 on Netflix, but it got me thinking about my husband...

As most of you know Patrick is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. But I don't know if you really understand what a good husband and father he is to us. The fact that he puts up with my crazy is enough to put him at the top of the list, the fact that he puts up with a couple of wild and crazy boys and my crazy...might just make him a saint.
For my birthday this year, my boys got me a necklace. It is a pyramid. Wip's favorite song is Pyramids by Frank Ocean. We only let him listen to the first half because it is about a stripper working at a place called Pyramid, but when the boys proudly handed me my present I was not only impressed (because I really will wear it all of the time) but I was also just a little humbled at the thought put in my gift.
Not only that, but he also entertained my little pirates so that I could have a girls getaway with a dear friend that came in when I sent an email telling her I was having a bad day. Yep, I am pretty blessed. *MAJOR THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT MADE MY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL*

I walked in the door yesterday to find Patrick making cookies for the boys. Sweet. I opened the fridge to put back the milk and noticed the lunch he had made for Wip with a note on the front. Very sweet. Then I looked up and noticed some of the notes he has put in the boys lunch since the start of school. The sweetest. What amazes me about this guy is that no matter how hard he might work at his job, he is working ten times harder at home to let us know how much he loves us. It is noticed. It is appreciated. It is reciprocated.