The other night we went to the girls golf banquet.
Upon arrival Duncan was passed out from his "no nap until late afternoon" phase. He kindly drooled all over the hosts bed. I am sure they were pleased:)
Wip had a blast (and even wrote his own name tag....atta boy!).
KCD has been like a second home to me and my family. It has been a place where I have been frustrated, ecstatic, and humbled over the 10 years that I have walked through those doors to work. It has introduced me to some of the most incredible young people and has challenged me to work my hardest.
Take all of my hard work that I have put into KCD and multiply it by 500 to really understand how hard Patrick works for the school. He puts so much blood, sweat, and tears into making sure those students have the best possible chance at having a successful life.
At the golf banquet, the blood, sweat, and tears were recognized as the team gave him a "couples only" trip to Chicago for the weekend. A chance to get away, eat, sleep in, and just roam the streets of Chi-town. I must say that I was pretty excited that they think so highly of him, because I get to share in the fun! I also was so grateful that all of his hard work does not go unnoticed. Well done girls golf team, well done.
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