I went to high school and college with Todd Musgrave. He was the kind of friend that was fun if you were having a beer or studying for a test. I remember he went through a "I am a cool camping guy" phase and asked everyone to go to the Red River Gorge with him. The only fools friends that took the bait was myself and another guy named Shawn. Todd had no idea what he was doing. We climbed through fallen trees, sweat A LOT, and tried to put up the tents at dusk (which quickly turned to darkness). I will never forget the blood, sweat, and tears of putting up the tent only to flash a light on the tree that had a huge sign that said "DO NOT SET UP CAMP HERE". It turns out it was a trail and not supposed to have tents on it. We stayed anyway. Todd passed away about 13 years ago. He had epilepsy and suffocated in his pillow while having a seizure. He was taken way too soon, and I miss him so much, but I am so thankful that I have the memories (especially the crazy camping memories).
Wip and Duncan have wonderful friends. John and Lucy gave them a "campout" birthday gift which took place on Thursday. The children played, had hot dogs, and lots and lots of treats. A tent was set up and while the heat prevented the boys from staying in the tent all night, the fun was not diminished. I am so thankful that Wip (and maybe Duncan) will have these memories with their buddies.
So, what happens when you stay up until 10pm rocking it with your friend?
You pass out on the couch at 4pm after reading Ranger Rick.
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