Pep Talk

Friday, February 22, 2013

When I am in the car with the boys and we are on our way to a playdate, music class, or really any place that they will be interacting with other human beings, we have what I like to call a "pep talk".

Pep talks are basically a review of the rules such as keeping your hands to yourself, staying on the purple circle in music class, and always using our manners.

I also try to throw in things like asking your friend if they had a good day at school, looking someone in the eye when you talk to them, and telling the host "thank you for having me" (Wip always points out that we do not need to do that until we leave).

Last week on the way to music class we were having our usual pep talk. When I did not get a response, this is what I found....
Guess he had enough of my pep:)