It Was a Good Day, Not really, OK maybe

Friday, November 2, 2012

For those that don't know, I love rap music. I am talking rapping about your pager rap music (old school).

This is why I have been LOVING the website Rap Genius. It takes rap lyrics and breaks down the meanings.  For example, Ice Cube's song "It was a Good Day" explains that when he raps "I can't believe it was a good day" the meaning of this is "Compared to other days in the hood, Ice Cube feels that this day was pretty good"-please tell me y'all think this is hilarious? 

Today was what I like to call a good, not really, ok, kinda day. Lots of ups and downs.

It has not been the best day. Not for one particular reason. I have gained a few lbs, I have not had enough water to drink (meaning my lips are super chap), and I have just felt sluggish all week (this might correlate with the gaining weight and not drinking enough water:). 
My desk this morning
I was consumed with making sure that we knew the time for Duncan's surgery on Friday (gulp!), making sure Wip has a basketball coach, getting David's basketball schedule in the calendar, and chewing out AT&T for putting ridiculous charges on our bill (oh joy). Just call me Captain Mom.

Then, I got to do something pretty cool.  Patrick organized for Green Beret soldiers to come in from Fort Campbell and meet with the students and faculty. I arranged for one of the soldiers to come and speak to my 6th grade service class. They. Loved. It. Not only did they ask some amazing questions "what is it like to be in a combat zone?" to "what is your favorite place the Army has taken you?", but they also learned that this gentleman who is a trained doctor with six (yes, I typed that right) six children at home and has served pretty much his entire adult career in the military so we can do things like go and vote on Tuesday (don't forget to vote on Tuesday!). It was pretty cool.

Then, I picked up the boys only to hear Wip say "I want my Mimi".  This is a common statement when I pick up the boys, but for some reason it did not sit well with me today. He said "I like Mimi, Daddy, Grams, Poppy, Duncan, Granddaddy, etc" and the list included everyone but me. Can someone please take the dagger out of my heart?  It was a blow, but he is also three. When he asked me to play a song for him in the car I said "unfortunately, you don't like mommy, so I don't know that I can play that song" to which he replied "I don't like mommy, I LOVE mommy!".  Good answer son.

Then, while driving home we witnessed this:
This just confuses the heck out of me. #1) why would you let your child have that much control over you and #2) where is the goo gone to make it less obvious that your children run your life?

Then, I spent 14 minutes on hold with AT&T only to be directed to a "wrong number" and once again on hold for 11 minutes. I was not going to give up on this and finally spoke with Zach.  He listened, put me on hold again, and came back with a "the charge has been removed Mrs. Mulloy, is there anything else I can do for you". I went from furious to fine. This was all while trying to get Duncan and David dinner on the table (Wip and Patrick were at the KCD football game). During dinner, David and I were cracking up at Duncan's attempt to say "cookie" and then when I asked Duncan to blow David a kiss good night, I actually saw David laugh so hard he leaned back in his chair. It made me smile.

So to finish off my good, not really, ok maybe day I signed up to run the mini Marathon in April. Has this stopped me from having one more glass of wine? No, there is always tomorrow.