It is not always rainbows and butterflies at the Mulloy house. Today was a really bad day. It all started when Wip woke up last night and got sick (again, again, and again). I decided to keep him home from school. The morning started with "I want to watch Lion King", followed by "No, I can't watch Lion King". "No I can't drink water", "I want some water, please". The boy that could not make up his mind.
Duncan had his six month check up and all was good (at least I hope so, Wip was being so bad in the doctors office that I was concentrating on him for most of the visit). Our poor little man had shots (including flu shot) which just put him in a funk for the rest of the day.
On top of whiny and fussy children, I had to do laundry the entire day and try and get the awful smell out of the upstairs (thank you Febreeze!).
Our day ended with the lifelong debate "I want McDonald's" to "No I want Chick-fil-A". The one thing that was not debated was "I want foo fries" (cracks me up everytime). McDonald's won. Wip only had 4 foo fries and then called it a night. Poor doodlebug....I hope he is better tomorrow!
Intentions for the Week
5 hours ago
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