Shabbat Sack

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wip brought home the Shabbat Sack for the weekend! I know that we are not Jewish, but I have been hearing about this Shabbat Sack since he was in the Turtle class, so I was so excited that it finally arrived in our home.

The Shabbat Sack includes different items to come together as a family.  Some of the items included: Shabbat CD, candles, story book, placemat, stuffed bear, Kiddush cup and juice, and my favorite Challah!

Wip taught me some of the blessings, we drank juice, ate Challah, and just had some good ol' quality family time.  Shabbot Shalom everyone!

Wip was pretty excited
 Wip is trying to teach me one of the blessings and he forgets the words...