Upside Down and Inside Out

Friday, November 30, 2012

We have been watching a lot of Elf lately. There is a fantastic part in the movie where Whoomp There It Is! begins playing and Duncan goes nuts. I have been trying to catch it on video, but you are just going to have to take my word for now that it is hilarious.

Just like in the song, "upside down and inside out, I'm bout to show all you folks what it is all about" pretty much sums up my week. It started with a sore throat and visit to the immediate care center. The doctor informed me that I had a heart murmur and needed to get it checked out by my primary care doctor. I freaked a little, but the lack of freak from my primary care doctor left me feeling a little less anxious. Fast forward to Thursday, I tell everyone at work that I will be back in an hour and that I was just going to see my primary care doctor to have her check out my heart. Four hours later, I am on my way to pick up Duncan at school (Wip was on a lunch date with his Mimi). My doctor did hear something and told me that I needed to get to go to Jewish Hospital and get an echo immediately and she would call me later with an appointment time with a cardiologist. I started to slightly freak.

The technician doing the echo could not have been more helpful. An echo is basically an ultrasound for your heart. I secretly kept looking at the screen expecting to see a baby, it took me back. She kept telling me that what she was seeing was normal (but that if I told anyone that she said that she would deny it). I walked out of the echo feeling a little better, but still on edge. I received a muffled call from my doctor telling me that I had an appointment at 11am with Dr. Weiss on Friday. Walking into a cardiologist office at the age of 36 when everyone around you is at least 75 is a little daunting. After mounds of paperwork, an EKG, and lots of sitting, Dr. Weiss walks in and greets me with "what in the heck are you doing here, you are young!". That was the first sign I knew I was going to like this man. He made sure to tell me that he had studied my echo last night and this morning, he checked my heart thoroughly.  His conclusion was that I was tall, lean, female, and I had a click in my heart that was completely normal.  I wanted to kiss him. Not only because he said I was lean, but because he told me to get out of his office, that I was just fine and not even a follow up appointment was necessary. Shoooweeee!

I got home that afternoon and took the boys outside to play. Wip wanted to put his clothes on by himself (he removed them during rest time). He was so proud of himself for doing it on his own, but pretty much everything was "upside down and inside out". 
One leg up

He loves to be outside

Upside down fish on his shirt

Inside out shirt

Mixed up shoes

But he did it all by himself