High School

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

When I arrived this guy handed me this picture from senior year spring break...check out that camera (and those highlights!). 
When you see the word high school what kind of feeling do you have? Some could not get out of high school fast enough, while others never really left. I have to say I was somewhere in the middle. High school for me was a time when I developed some of the deepest friendships I would ever have and also a time when I made some really silly choices. I regret not getting to know my teachers and not staying committed to a sport (hello, soccer, dance team, and swimming), but I also had comfort in knowing that I could call anyone in my group of friends and they would be there for me in a second (oh the drama of being a teenage girl and needing an army of other teenage girls to be on my side).
Lets get this party started

Loved seeing Tif's mom and meeting Payden 

Jason or Josh? Either way...I love them both! They get the made me laugh a lot award.

Friends till the end

Chilly but fun!

Love this picture


Had so much fun hanging with this gal

She is a beaut

Are you ready?!!!

How about those nametags?

I was not super excited to make the trip up to Kentucky for my 20th high school reunion, but I was not dreading it either. Again, I was somewhere in the middle. The world of social media has really taken the suspense out of events like reunions because everyone already knows what is going on in other peoples lives. When we arrived at the restaurant on Friday night the first person I saw was one of my best friends from 4th grade who moved away before we graduated and I had completely lost touch with her. The memories came flooding back (remember when we enter ourselves in the science fair and realized that making a robot was not possible so we did a water filtration experiment...boring! or that time that your mom was curling her eyelashes and sneezed...painful!). From there on out it was just nonstop fun. Catching up, laughing, and maybe a few cocktails. Saturday we went to Keeneland (one of my favorite places in the world) and then danced the night away at what I had anticipated being a low turn out ended up being the perfect amount of people with the best attitudes (there to have a good time).
I have the best memories with everyone in this photo
So a weekend that I was expecting to be a ehhh turned into a weekend that I will never forget. So. Much. Fun.

Chicago Marathon

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I ran the Chicago Marathon on Sunday, October 12, 2014 in 4 hours and 39 minutes. I have been bragging about it all week. Not only was it the perfect day to run a marathon and not only did I accomplish something with three people that I love dearly (Beth, Steph, and Coop), but I truly witnessed humanity. I know it sounds cheesy, heck even to type it makes me giggle a bit. But seriously. I don't know if I will ever have an opportunity to witness so much love and support in such a massive arena. Over two million people lined the streets of Chicago to cheer the crazy people that decided to run this thing on. The crowd was amazing. Supporting every step. I can't tell you how emotional it made me to see complete strangers in my face telling me how amazing I am.  I witnessed runners who were blind, wounded veterans, running for grandma, running for cancer, running with flags, running with costume. It. Was. Amazing. I don't know that I will ever do a marathon again. My doctor told me this morning that while running that distance might be good for your head, it is NOT good for your body. Not only that, but the time commitment to running a marathon is more than I can handle in my little life right now. But nonetheless I did it. I trained. I hydrated. I ran 26. 2 miles and nobody can ever take that away from me. Seriously, if this video does not make you get out and run...I don't know what would!
Reunited and it feels so good.

These girls.

Expo Time!

Maybe a little better than the Derby Expo:)

It truly was
They love ketchup!

Having a moment


I heart Chicago

Perfect boat ride (with a little Heads Up!)

LaScarola might be the best Italian I have ever had (it was packed at 5pm)
Before 45,000 people headed to the start

Coop was sad to shed his Walgreens sweatshirt

Pretty perfect day

This girl...

Love the Robertsons

Beth told me to remind her we were having fun at mile 23:)

We did it!

My proof

Johnny Appleseed Day

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A couple of weeks ago Wip wanted to have a playdate with one of his new friends from school. I emailed the friends mom and we decided to meet up at the science center. Wip was beside himself. He was so excited. Before we met them I told him that we could stop for lunch. We were running a little late and I said that we might need to stop at Wendy's instead of ChickFilA and he grumbled. When I explained that the Wendy's was closer and we did not want to leave his friend waiting he exclaimed "Wendy's is good!  I will eat Wendy's". It was precious. The playdate was wonderful. Both boys were well behaved, loved being with each other, and I got to meet a new friend (the mom)...win win.

Fast forward to Johnny Appleseed Day at Wip's school. It is a big deal. Not only do you get to be out of your uniform (side note: uniforms on children are adorable and easy) but you also get to make apple pie, play apple games, and just really do all things apple. I was not able to be there, but that new friend I made at the science center? We have mom code. She knew I wanted to just leave my meeting and be whipping up apple pie with the other children in Wip's class. So at about 8:45am I received this picture with the caption "he is having a blast":

Then I received this picture with the caption "he is so happy":
Finally, she sent me this one (it did not need a caption):
I just about melt. This one just made me fast forward 20 years to a rehearsal dinner speech. These are the new boys in town (they are all new to the school). The new buddies. These two have made my son excited to go to school. I am so thankful for them both (and their mommies;).