You had a Bad Day

Friday, September 2, 2016

A few days ago I picked the boys up from school and we were heading home when a car decided to make a sharp left instead of staying in the lane going straight. This decision caused my life to flash before my eyes and for me to scream a "not so bad, not so great" profanity.

The next day when I picked the boys up from school, the aftercare person came up to the car a told me that Wip had said a "bad" word in front of the security guard. She went on to say that they talked to him and that "while adults may sometimes say bad words, children should never say those bad words" and that he got a free pass because it was the first time. I rolled my eyes at her (with my sunglasses on of course) because I just knew he had said the words I screamed when I thought we were going to get hit by the car. I also know that Wip is the most naive and sincere kid on the planet, so even if he did say something I knew in my heart it was not out of "being bad".

As soon as we drove off, I asked Wip to tell me what happened with the bad word that he said in front of the security guard. He became instantly withdrawn and scared. I told him he was in absolutely no trouble, but I just wanted to understand the situation. The relief immediately came over him and he went on to tell me that a sixth-grade boy was standing next to him while they were waiting to go to aftercare. He said that the boy told him to say the bad word and so he did (but he insisted that he said it softly). He then went on to say that "if he knowd what it meant he would not have said it". I asked him what he said and he blurted out "F*&K".

Whoa....was NOT expecting that one!  I could tell he was confused and embarrassed. He then said "mommy, what does that word mean?". I told him that he was too young and that adults should never even say that word. I then said when he was a little older I would explain. He said,  "how old?". My brain was trying to think how old you are in the sixth grade and I just blurted out "Twelve!". He followed up with "well, that is not that far away and I will remember to ask you what it means". And I have no doubt that he will!

In addition to the profanity,  he also told me that a boy poured something on three pages of his brand new book (on purpose!). He followed that story with a sigh and "mommy, I just really had a bad day". Well cue, the "I am not going to let your day end bad mode". We drove straight to Jeremiah's Italian Ice and did a dance party here, here, here, and here with Boomerang in the store (they always play the best music:).

After reading this article, Why you should teach your children profanity, I am thinking we are going to be okay.