There is Something About Duncan

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Duncan is one of those "funny without really trying" kids. He mannerisms, comments, and (of course) deep voice just make me so happy to be around him (most of the time;). Click here to hear him talking about crying babies in Jackson Hole. Click here to listen to him tell me that I am so sweet. See what I mean?

The other day he kept telling me that he wanted liquor for a snack. It took a while, but I finally figured out that he was saying licorice!
We met Mimi for dinner last week. Granddaddy was out of town. When Mimi walked up to the table Duncan said "Mimi, where dat man you go with?". A little confused she asked him to repeat himself. "Where dat man you go with?" he stated again. A little perplexed she said "do you mean Granddaddy?" to which he responded "yeah....Grandaddy, where Granddaddy?". 

I hope these Duncanisms continue...cracking me up.