Sloooooooow Down

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My head is spinning. August is here and I told myself at the beginning of the summer that my house/life was going to be completely organized. I was going to:

  •  have my outfits/closet in perfect order
  • the basement was going to be spick and span
  • I was going to have all of my important files scanned and online in my Google Drive
  • I had planned on revamping my class website 
  • and, setting a new curriculum for the upcoming middle school class that I am going to teach this year.
Yeah, so, really not one thing on that list came to the kind of completeness that I could scratch it from a list (oh, how I love that feeling of scratching something off of a list). So I failed. I did not get what I had hoped to get done..done.

I did however...
make a killer grilled salmon salad with fresh veggies from the Farmer's Market (thank you Dinner A Love Story)
watch this little monkey play with the extension cord for over 45 minutes (sorry Daddy:)
got to hear the most amazing giggles from these little boys (they seriously crack each other up)
had the most amazing chorizo tacos equipped with a Mexican coke
got to sit on the back porch and have a beer with my mom
had a much needed date night with my husband
And that was just this past week. So maybe I will not get my list completed. Who cares. I am just going to try and slow down and enjoy what is left of summer (my most favorite time of the year...eva).