Duncan's World: We Just Live In It

Sunday, March 17, 2013

That guy!

While Wip and Daddy were out hitting golf balls, Duncan and I took a walk. As soon as we got out the door he started saying "Will-Ummm" (none other than his cousin William). We went by the Creason house and Emma the dog was in the backyard. He waddled over to say hi to the dog and then continued on with his search to see "Will-Ummm". Nobody was home. He could not understand this. With tears in his eyes we headed toward the slide.  

While getting ready for church this morning, Duncan came out of his room and did this adorable lean and wave to his Daddy who was brushing his teeth in the bathroom. The only problem was that his lean sent him rolling down the entire flight of stairs (again). Thankfully he landed on his back and I was way more shaken up then he was. He just kept saying "just scared", "just scared".

While greeting at church this morning, the sweet man from Duncan's childcare room came out with Duncan in his arms and a bloody tissue. Duncan was playing and made a wrong turn causing him to fall in a crate of toys and cut his mouth. After a cup of milk and some TLC he went right back in the room and I was able to go to the service. 

You might be thinking "poor Duncan". Missing his cousin, falling down the stairs, blooding his lip. But I am happy to report, his weekend went out with a bang! We heading to MyGym to celebrate his buddy Jayden's 2nd birthday...he had a ball (with no injuries, just cake:).
The party started with some hoops

Of course he loved the balls

Duncan and the Birthday Boy

Group shot (attempt)

Duncan with his hand on his hip waiting for cake

The party ended with hoops